The sight of an evening star is an iconic beacon of hope that awaits our wishes and prayers in the night sky. Our mission is to awaken to the divine purpose of joy and live it on a daily basis. Standing true to who you are is the change the world needs to heal and shift.

Spiritual Guidance & Energy Work

Advanced Spiritual Healing and Support
spirit guided session, intuitive readings, channeled messages, and energetic clearing - price varies

As a certified healer, Reiki practitioner, I use tools of the sage, also known as shamanic practices, that can help restore the physical and emotional body to optimal health and wellbeing.

Over the years I have found that each session has a unique request that must be carefully planned. Using my intuition I will help to direct what divination tools or plant helpers are needed to assist each session.

  • For healing sessions and clearing ceremony I work with the energy of sage, sweetgrass, Mapacho (tobacco), feathers, cedar branch, or sound to work out unwanted static.

    Divination tools that I commonly use include ancient Runes that I personally made, pendulums, Oracle cards, Tarot cards, crystals, sound bowls, plant essential oils, and other helpful tools that might be called in.

    Speaking directly to your higher mind will assist our reading by bypassing programmed default responses. To access this higher mind, we will start with focused breathing through the primary central chakras and rooting to the earth.

Complimentary Discovery Call

If you would like to gain clarification on my services I offer a complimentary discovery call to get started.

Psychic Channeled Readings

Through the sacred practice of Psychic Channeling, I have the ability to access profound realms of existence, enabling me to communicate messages and impart ancient wisdom from ethereal dimensions beyond our earthly realm. Utilizing this extraordinary gift, I am dedicated to offering unparalleled clarity and guidance to navigate the intricate labyrinth of your life's journey.

Pet Psychic Readings

Communicate with your Pet

Working with spirit isn’t only on the human level, I work with our loving household pets to assist people with understanding health problems, anxiousness, anxiety, and other reoccurring concerns. Furthermore, for those individuals yearning for solace and deeper understanding of their cherished animal companions, I offer my Psychic Readings designed specifically for pets and horses, allowing for an extraordinary connection that transcends spoken language, thereby deciphering their needs, unraveling their intricate emotions, and decoding enigmatic messages from their timeless spirits.

Price varies, please contact me to discuss your needs and establish pricing or learn more about donation based services.


Schedule a Session

“We are the Magic-Makers, the dreamers of dreams...”

— L. Frank Baum