Welcome to The Soul Speaks Podcast. Hello, I am Eve, your host I will be deep diving into the Akashic Records with my higher self, and a few of my spirit guides to help discover the subtle messages that are waiting to be found for the collectiveโ€™s highest best good.

There will be special guests and lots of fun topics that are delivered in the now. I like to keep the show unscripted and organic. So dive in, say hello and please support the podcast with your ability to like, comment, and subscribe to my channels. This will help to reach more people who need to hear the messages.

Eve McCauley-Chomiak Eve McCauley-Chomiak

The cave of creation where art begins!

A FLASH of inspiration can cause a ripple of intrinsic measures that will arise out of the dark cave of creation.Art is made when the individual acts on an idea. So simple it's avoidable, maybe that is we make it more complicated than it actually is.

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