With a rich background spanning Design, Advertising, and Fine Art, my journey into the realm of healing arts has been a natural evolution, stemming from a profound sense of self-discovery and expression. Over time, I've explored numerous healing modalities, culminating in certifications as an Akashic Record Reader, Spiritual Healer, Earth Steward, Ordained Minister, and Reiki Practitioner.

My name is Eve, chosen by my father the night of my birth while looking up to the sky on a crystal clear EVEning. Inspired by the sight he decided on the name Eve Crystal. I recently found out that I am also a Lamat Yellow Star through my Tzolkin Mayan sun sign, hence, the name Evening Star came to be the name of my practice.

I am a humanitarian true Aquarian who is happiest when facilitating others to greatness so we collectively heal. A Manifesting Generator 5/1: THE CHALLENGE SOLVER for all you human design nerds :0)

“Ready to serve, ready to create art in all I do!” ~ Eve

Street cred

Certified Spiritual Healer, Ordained Minister & Earth Steward through the SHES Ministries. Affiliated with The Church of The Evening Star.

Certified Akashic Record Reader through the Linda Howe Center

Reiki Practitioner and energy worker

Graduate of the Academy of Art University

Shout out to my teachers and mentors

J Dallas Gudgell, a life coach, energy medicine teacher, and human rights activist

Lola Singer a Thoth Tarot Teacher and Light Language Activator

Samantha Parrot Blodell a Reiki Master Teacher & Spiritual Mentor

Debbie Ritter an Elite Certified Teacher of the Akashic Records from the Linda Howe Center.